Friday, January 21, 2005

The Way to Heaven is Opened to Us

(Matt. 3:13-17) (The Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ)

The Gospels, when recounting the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, tell us that, as He came up out of the waters of the Jordan River, He saw the heavens opened unto Him, and the Spirit of God descending in the form of a dove. This is a familiar image for us, who have heard this story many times, and who have an idea of where it fits in the larger story of the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, from the time of His birth to the time of His Passion, crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension.

But wait, the Fathers tell us: there’s more! As the heavens did for our Lord at His baptism, so, too, do are the heavens opened to us when we are baptized. This is true, they say, even if we don’t see it at the time. In a way, this makes perfect sense. Remember that we lost access to the intimate Presence of God that was ours in the Garden of Eden through the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve. We all carry the stain of disobedience, from which we need to be cleansed; but which we, by ourselves, are unable to remove. Christ, Who alone among human beings, did not need to be cleansed, by His baptism makes all mankind clean. As we, then, are baptized into His death and resurrection, we are made clean once more; and, being raised to new life in Him – His life, which death has no hold upon, now living in us – the way to heaven, to the intimate Presence of God, is no longer closed to us, but open once more.

The heavens, the Fathers tell us, are opened to us, in order that we might ascend thereto; and not by ourselves, alone, but leading others there, as well. This should change who we understand ourselves to be; this should change the way we live. If we lived in a heavenly manner, how different we would be! We would have a different way to value, and use, the things of this world, and the time given to us. As we celebrate the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the revelation that He is the Son of God by the Father and the Holy Spirit – thereby making known to us the Holy Trinity as well – we should reflect upon the transformation of our being, and ask ourselves: Am I living any differently? Am I living in such a way that others will be lead to heaven by traveling the way that I am going?

When we live in a way that is no different from the ways of those who do not understand that the way to heaven has been opened for us, those among the unbelievers (and maybe even some of those whose faith is weak) disbelieve the things we say about our beliefs, since what we do demonstrates that we do not believe what we say we believe. Actions speak louder than words… When they see us building fine houses, driving expensive automobiles, wearing fancy clothing, eating rich foods, why should they believe us when we say that we are preparing for another sort of residence away from this (earthly) realm? We give our toil, and tears, and troubles for the sake of possessions here that will not endure, and give little or nothing to purchase a place of glory in heaven. We should be teaching the heathen to despise all material things; but instead, we are consumed by our possessions, and by the lust for more. We are supposed to be salt and light for the world; but when we live in darkness, we lead others there, as well, rather than into the light. We endanger ourselves and our souls – and we endanger others as well. If we lead them into condemnation, it will be our fault; and it will be held against us.

If, on the other hand, we discipline ourselves by alms-giving, and by fasting, to become indifferent to material possessions, and devote ourselves to the pursuit of holiness by prayer and fasting and the struggle to replace our passions with the virtues, we encourage the faithful to do likewise, and we show a different way to live to those who do not yet believe, or understand. If we have love for one another, and show this forth in mercy and kindness and patience and forgiveness, we show a glimpse of the life of heaven; and those who are seeking another way will be drawn by our example to follow us, and so come closer to the Lord our God.

Brothers and sisters: Our Lord has opened the way to heaven for us. Let us follow that way, the way of the Orthodox life and faith. Let us follow Him, our Savior and Lord, and encourage, in word and deed, others to do the same: to the glory of His name, and to the salvation of our souls.

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